Sunday, March 28, 2021





Prince Sultan Cardiac Center in Al-Qassim performed more than 220 cardiac catheterizations for children last year, 2020 AD. This is a procedure that includes the use of a small and long tube (catheter) to reach the heart, arteries, and main veins of the heart through an artery or vein in the thigh. Everything can be clearly seen with the help of the X-ray machine. This catheter, may it be for the purpose of diagnostic catheterization, or the purpose of treatment for therapeutic or interventional catheters, this procedure greatly helps in diagnosing heart problems and treating congenital and acquired heart problems and defects. 

Interventional therapeutic catheterization refers to an expansion of valves or narrowed arteries with balloon, as well as closing some congenital heart defects by using catheters, balloons, and other special devices apt for each disease. This is to avoid complications and surgeries.

The most common and usual case in pediatric cardiac catheterization is the expansion of valve and narrowed arteries that causes blockage in blood flow, closure of the atrial septal defect (a hole between the two chambers of the heart), closure of the ductus arteriosus, and closure of the defect of the septum between the two ventricles, lower extremities of the heart, and other lapses.

After the procedural performance of pediatric cardiac catheterization, the child remains under observation and requires thorough medical attention for several hours or for a whole day. Most often, the patient is allowed to be discharged in the hospital after 24 hours. It is also strictly advised that the patient should have a regular and continued follow-up check-up in the center until full recovery. It is notable to share that most of the performed interventions turned out safe, successful, and with rare complications. Glory and Praises to the Almighty Allah for guiding everyone to fulfill their responsibilities with dedicated commitment.