In the presence of "GD"..PSCCQ will commence the 5th Innovation in Critical Care Nursing Symposium

Monday, January 4, 2016





Mr. Mutlaq Alkhamaly, the Director General of Health Affairs of Price Sultan Cardiac Center Qassim will lead the inauguration of the 5th Innovation in Critical Care Nursing Symposium on Wednesday, January 6, 2016 at Movenpick Hotel. This is going to be a two-day event and is being inspired with  the theme " NURSES: The Driving Force for Innovation".
PSCCQ Center Director, Dr. Abdulrahman Al-Mesned emphasizes that the said conference/symposium has been an annual activity of the center because they believed on the importance it carries as part of a strategic scientific plan of management. This also aims to train the nursing staff in the field of critical care as well as helping them develop their skills in dealing with unexpected and sudden emergencies. Moreover, this must be in accordance to innovations in health care delivery system and evidences in scientific research.

He further pointed out that this year's symposium is going to be more worthwhile and equipped with sensible essential and related topics since they are joining cooperative efforts with the American Society Of Critical Care Nurse - KSA Collaborative Team. Therefore, every nursing staff is encourage to grab the opportunity and enjoy the advantage of the scientific and practical expertise in this particular area.

On the other hand, the Executive Chairman of the Conference, Ms. Leila Mahmoud, wishes to inform the joining participants  that several specialized speakers from inside and outside the kingdom will be gracing the event. And that the invited speakers have extensive experience in the field of critical nursing care. She also stressed out that since the Saudi Commission for Health Specialist have granted them 12 CME hours for the conference, it will definitely run for two days and will be made more satisfying and worth-attending to since they will adequately provide 15 scientific lectures and 6 specialized practical workshops which will be led by specialists in critical care. Like Dr. Al-Mesned,  Ms. Mahmoud also urges the nursing staff to join and if they would like to, they can visit the center's website and register online.